Tibouren (Rossese di Dolceacqua, Rossese) RARE GRAPE red


Rossese is probably a French native variety and its origins go way back to medieval times in which the Genoese Doria family already owned a castle in Dolceacqua and their troops used to raid the transalpine border cities. That was probably the reason why this variety was introduced in Liguria, in particular in the hills around Ventimiglia and Savona. Andrea Doria himself chose this variety to celebrate his fleet achievements and Napoleone Bonaparte, brought this wine with him during the Italian Campaign at the end of 1700, and requested a Rossese supply for french imperial palaces. (https://www.enotecaregionaleliguria.it/)

Very seldom bottled as a mono-varietal (See producers below)

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Countries grown: Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Hungary, Italy, South Africa, Spain