Susumaniello (Sussumaniello, Cuccipariello, Zingariello, Somarello) RARE GRAPE red


This grape variety was as good as extinct and only recently (2000) was it  rediscovered and replanted in Azienda Agricola Torre Guaceto, in the area of a natural reserve, where vineyard


integrates itself perfectly with the uncontaminated landscape.


It seems that Sussumaniello takes its name from the assumed super-abundant productivity of the plant; because of which the donkeys, used for transport, were always overburdened.


The grape bunches have very little and resistant berries, which appear to be out of proportion to the neutral, non bitter pips, that has normal dimensions.


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Aiutateci a popolare questo sito. Ogni informazione verificabile che potrete fornire su queste o altre varietà (storia della varietà, descrizione, produttore, importatore, etc…) sarà molto gradita. Per questo potete indirizzare le informazioni utilizzando la sezione Contatti o l' email. Grazie





Countries grown: France, Italy