Schwarzblauer Affenthaler - Historische Rebsorten RARE GRAPE red

"Originating at the time of the ancient Dacians (500 - 50 BC), it is likely to have been imported to Germany at least four times independently of one another. The Affenthaler got his name from the Hungarian place Apátfalva (Abtsdorf), approx. 25 km south of Szeged. The autochthonous grape variety, which is very valuable for the Baden wine-growing region, was part of the famous Affental wine from Bühl. Recommended for cultivation by the wine improvement agencies in 1860, in 1929 it was still one of the fifteen permitted quality varieties. However, after the war it was no longer listed." (

Affentaler’ in German relates to monkeys. This grape variety, setting aside its exact, but unknown date of origin and region, was cultivated in plentiful by the Cistercian monks around 1250.


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Countries grown: Germany