Muscat Hamburg (Muskat Trollinger, Moscato Nero, Black Muscat, Muscat de Hambourg, Fekete Muskotaly) WIDESPREAD red

Widespread in France and Germany

Muscat Hamburg (or Muskat Trollinger) is a black-skinned grape variety that is used both in winemaking and as a table grape. Muscat Hamburg wines tend to be light and rather neutral, although some richer, dessert-style wines are made from overripe grapes.

Muscat Hamburg, or Black Muscat as it is often called, is regarded as the weakest of the Muscats in terms of aroma and flavor profiles, but it does offer deeply colored skins. This dark skin color does not translate well into wine and the result is a light blush/rosé style that lacks enough acid and character to make it interesting. However, some producers can coax a more aromatic wine from the grape by leaving it on the vines for longer to develop sugars.

(Photo and text courtesy of

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Countries grown: Australia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Portugal, Russian Federation, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, United States, Uruguay