Forgiarin RARE GRAPE red

Dark blue grape of unknown origins, the name comes from Forgaria, a little town in West Friuli. Once very common near San Daniele (as stated in 1863 at the Regional Grape Exhibition organized by the Udine chapter of the Friuli Agricultural Association)*, Spilimbergo and Maniago, it is now only grown in Pinzano al Tagliamento, Castelnovo del Friuli and Valeriano. *- Courtesy of the Italian Flavor Consortium The varietal was rediscovered by Emilio Bulfon in the early 1970’s when he came across abandoned grapes left by old farmers in the hamlet of Costabeorchia located in the town of Pinzano al Tagliamento. The first bottling/vintage was in 1989/90.

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Countries grown: Italy