Widespread but hectares are decreasing
The Bacchus is a white wine grape created by viticulturalist Peter Morio at the Geilweilerhof Institute for Grape Breeding in the Palatinate in 1933.[He crossed a Silvaner x Riesling cross with Müller-Thurgau. Bacchus received varietal protection and was released for general cultivation in 1972. (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacchus_(grape)).
A seedling of Clinton, bred by J. H. Ricketts of Newburgh, NY by 1879. It is vigorous to very vigorous, healthy, productive, very winter hardy, and very resistant to fungus diseases. Bacchus adapts well to a wide range of soils. It ripens by late mid-season. The clusters are small to medium, with thin-skinned berries. Its virtues include its high sugar content and high productivity. The wines are big, dark, fruity and flinty with muted native-American labrusca-type, strawberry, and black cherry flavors that can be improved with wood aging. The wines have big middle acids and tannins to provide its wines with great body and presence. The wine is not overpowering, so it can be utilized in blends.(https://www.hudsonvalleyheritagewines.com/heritage-vines)
(Kindly look below for wineries that cultivate and bottle Bacchus as a mono-varietal)
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